About Me

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Hi! My name is Alexis Crafts and I’m a freelance writer, blogger, journalist, and published poet.

I am second-year college student from Massachusetts studying English with a concentration in writing. I also have a handy minor in communications.

Cafe Beauty is my beauty and lifestyle-centric blog featuring over 100 blog posts on topics such as productivity, skincare, makeup, organization, and more. My second blog features garden-related blog posts, which you can see here. I have also published articles under Ophelia Magazine, a global student-run magazine for journalism students. I’ve done multiple one-off projects such as guest posts and social media work.

Besides professional writing, I also write creative pieces. I have several published literary such as Ice Lolly Review, Neuro Logical and Analogies & Allegories. I am also the social media manager of my university’s literary magazine Persona as well as an editor. In the fall, I will be the Co Editor-in-Chief.

I’ve always loved writing ever since I was a child and English has been my favorite subject for over a decade. Once I was accepted into college and gradually understood that becoming a secondary teacher wasn’t the route for me, I began to wonder: what is my new life path?

Well, it was an easier decision than I thought because I was doing it all along: writing.